
Get Racquet Heroes Mobile app

Racquet Heroes app Features


Manage Scoreboard

Having all option to manage your scoreboard by just clicking on buttons


Score and share Live match while scoring

You can share live match while you are scoring and one can see live match which is shared to them


Add live matches and track score

Create new matches with professional way to manage scoreboard and track your all matches


Service court high-lighting

Very easy to identify who is serving while doing score, all done automatically by system depends on current score


Match Control

Match control options available while scoring with proper notification time to time


Match Report

Comprehensive match report with summary and detail to improve your game


Match and points Analysis

Details match analysis point by point to improve games and identified weak area for improvement


Share score on social media

You can share your winning match on social media with just one click

previous icon next icon Disable previous icon Disable next icon
Live Score Update Share match live score Add live matches and track score Service court high-lighting Match Control Match Report Match and points Analysis Share score on social media
Manage Scoreboard

Having all option to manage your scoreboard by just clicking on buttons.

  • Can do live scoring in app
  • Undo last point
  • Shuttle count

Manage Scoreboard

Having all option to manage your scoreboard by just clicking on buttons


Score and share Live match while scoring

You can share live match while you are scoring and one can see live match which is shared to them


Toss, Select Serve or Side

App is allowing you do flip the toss functionality


Game Rule setting

Set you own rule before starting a match, like which kind of match you would like to play 3 sets, 5 sets, 8 games to win or etc..


Advance Scoring for Analytics

App is allowing you do advance score from just to click on all available options


Control your match while playing

Match control options available while scoring with proper notification time to time


Match and point analysis

App is tracking every activity you do while playing and and give details points analysis to improve your game


Shot by shot Analysis

Shot analysis with count is very important for you to check your strong and weak area to take your game to next level


Point Breakdown

Comprehensive point by point breakdown to check match in more detail


Share score on social media

You can share your winning match on social media with just one click

previous icon next icon Disable previous icon Disable next icon
Manage Scoreboard Score and share Live match while scoring Toss, Select Serve or Side Game Rule setting Advance Scoring for Analytics Control your match while playing Match and points Analysis Shot by shot Analysis Point Breakdown Share score on social media
Manage Scoreboard

Having all option to manage your scoreboard by just clicking on buttons

  • Can do scoring in app with visual
  • Undo last points
  • Service player is highlighting who is serving
  • 4 level of scoring option (Basic, Intermediate, Advance and Advance with rallies)
coming_soon coming_soon
coming_soon coming_soon
coming_soon coming_soon
coming_soon coming_soon

Why Racquet Heroes?

Racquet Heroes is the easiest way to track your scores for all your racquet sports.
Whether you’re playing tennis, badminton, squash, or any other racquet sport, we’ve got you covered.

Using Racquet Heroes you can:
  • Easily enter your scores
  • Keep track of your wins, losses, and draws
  • Compare your scores to your friends and rivals
  • Generate reports and statistics on your performance
Racquet Heroes is the perfect tool for any racquet sports player who wants to improve their game. Download today and start tracking your scores!

Racquet Sport Rulebook



Table Tennis


Padel Tennis

Pickle Ball

Download Racquet Heroes Mobile app

available on Both Android and iOS

Download Racquet Heroes Mobile app

available on Both Android and iOS


Who can use this app?2024-09-13T07:39:28+00:00

All those who wants to track the live match scoring for Badminton, Tennis, Table Tennis, Paddle Tennis, Pickleball and Squash

How can I start scoring?2023-11-23T05:46:34+00:00

To start score Open App -> Select Sport -> Start Scoring

Can I see the live scoring?2023-11-23T05:38:48+00:00
Of-course as soon as you start scoring on app, it will showing the live score on your screen
Can I pause and resume ongoing match?2023-11-23T05:39:16+00:00
Absolutely, one can pause the game by clicking on Pause button on screen for any reason and then they can resume back again when players/scorer is ready to start match again
Can I change the player name in ongoing match?2023-11-23T05:39:37+00:00
Yes, you may able to change the player name even in ongoing match we have flexibility to change the player’s name
Can I change the default match settings?2023-11-23T05:39:55+00:00
Yes, Before match start, we can change default match settings like number of game, total game points, rest time, game over timings etc..
Can I share Racquet Heroes on my Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp?2024-09-13T09:12:10+00:00

Absolutely, that is why they are there! Share the app to create awareness and benefit those who love to have live scores

Can I share the match result on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp?2023-11-23T05:40:57+00:00
Of-course, you can that is why they are there! Share yours and others’ achievements on such social media apps and be recognized or give recognition.
Can I undo the points?2023-11-23T05:41:18+00:00
Yes, you can undo any number of points by clicking on Undo button
Can I forcefully end match?2023-11-23T05:41:35+00:00
Yes, we can forcefully end match by clicking on End Match button on screen
Can I track games, sets and match timings?2024-09-13T09:13:50+00:00

All the timings of ongoing match are displayed on screen, you can see game, set and match timings on screen

Can I swap the player on court?2024-09-13T07:45:13+00:00

Yes, before the match starts, you can arrange the players as desired by clicking on the swap icon on the court.

Can I swap the team on court?2023-11-23T05:42:30+00:00
Yes, you can even swap the entire team on court for doubles match
How can I select who is servicing first?2024-09-13T07:46:17+00:00

You need to select the serving side button before starting the scoring. This allows you to choose the side that will serve, and it will be highlighted on the court

Can I invite anyone who can see live scoring?2023-11-23T05:43:04+00:00
Currently under development, but Yes, you can invite anyone who can see live what scorer is scoring
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